Meet Cisco Netherlands on February 27th 2024

Cisco Netherlands will organize an event on February 27th for UAF clients who are interested in working in the IT-sector.

The afternoon will provide the participants with valuable insights into various career paths and opportunities. 

The event will also give participants a chance to network with professionals from various fields within Cisco Netherlands (IT, HR, Sales, Marketing, and others).

The event will be held in English. Therefore, to apply you should have upper-intermediate/fluent English language level.

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Amsterdam | February 27, 2024

12.00 – 12.15h – Arrival

– Lunch with Cisco employees from the Amsterdam office

– Introduction to Cisco and their core principles

– A Cisco office tour

– Group training on how to enhance your CV and
amplify LinkedIn profiles

– Individual 1:1 sessions with Cisco employees to help you navigate your future career path. 

16.00h – End


Cisco offers an industry-leading portfolio of technology innovations. With networking, security, collaboration, cloud management, and more, we help to securely connect industries and communities. Learn more about the company here: Cisco website

Note: This is not a hiring event! Visit Cisco’s website for all available opportunities at Cisco worldwide

This event has limited availability. Once selected, you will receive the details for the event by e-mail. 

Travel expenses for the event can be reimbursed, if needed. 

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Would you like to join this event?

Please fill in the form, in English. 

Answer with a concise description of your professional background, skills, and interests. This will help us to match you with a Cisco representative who has experience in the field you want to develop your future career in. 

By taking part in this event, you provide explicit and informed consent to process your personal data such as name and surname, email address as well as you grant permission to the UAF and Cisco for full and free use of video/photographs that may be taken during this event.  

Limited availability: we will email you with the details, if you are invited to join.