No residence permit (yet).

The UAF not only supports status holders, but also asylum seekers who are in procedure. We do this because we believe that someone who registers with the UAF as an asylum seeker should not have less chance of support than someone who registers as a status holder. In addition, the UAF does not want to waste the valuable time of the refugee student or professional who is waiting for the IND's decision. Essential steps can be taken towards language and study while waiting. 

UAF support for asylum seekers

The UAF sometimes supports asylum seekers with financial assistance. This allows them to take Dutch language lessons or study. Do you not have a residence permit? Then we will first support you with learning Dutch at language level B1 via the UAF AcademyIf you have completed B1 at UAF Academy, please contact UAF again so we can see if we can support you further.

Note: Would you like support from us for an English-language course? You must first obtain your Dutch at language level B1.


Asylum seekers and the right to education

You have applied for asylum, but you do not have a residence permit yet. Can you follow a study? What should you take into account? And what changes when you turn 18?

Are you younger than 18 and do you not have a residence permit yet? Then you are entitled to education in the Netherlands. This also applies to compulsory education and qualifications. That means you have to go to school to get a basic qualification. This is a diploma at least at havo level, vwo level or mbo level 2. With a basic qualification you can enroll at a school or educational institution.

Did you start a mbo- course before you were 18? Then you can finish this one. Even if you are still in the asylum procedure. And perhaps even if you have already exhausted all legal proceedings. This does not always apply to training courses hbo and wo.

It is important that you were lawfully residing in the Netherlands when you enrolled at the school. This means that you had a residence permit or a W document at the time.

Until you are 18, NIDOS or COA probably pay for your education. This usually changes after your 18th birthday.

For courses at the Vocational Training Pathway (BOL) of secondary vocational education, you can apply via DUO recovery order for the tuition fee. You must have a valid w-document and be younger than 30 years. 

Are you following an MBO (level 3 or 4) or higher education course? Then the UAF might support with the costs of your study materials and your travel costs.

A number of educational institutions offer (free) courses for asylum seekers and refugees. The courses are mainly intended for people who are waiting for a residence permit and therefore cannot follow a normal education.

Note: Are you not yet a client of the UAF? Then we cannot reimburse any travel costs you incur for these courses.

Can the UAF help me?

Whether the UAF can help you depends on your personal situation. 

In any case, you must meet the following conditions: 

  • You have an asylum background* 
  • You want to study at MBO level 3 or 4, HBO or university 
  • You have completed at least 11 years of education
  • You speak English or Dutch at an intermediate level (B1 or higher)   

 * You have a Dutch residence permit based on asylum or you have applied for asylum and this procedure is still ongoing. 

 Do you meet these requirements? Then contact us. When asking what the UAF can do for you, your level of Dutch is important. 

To be able to study and work in the Netherlands, you need at least language level B1.


Do you not yet have a B1 Dutch language level?

If you integrate via the Education Route or the B1 route, you will receive Dutch language lessons via your municipality. Discuss the possibilities with your municipality. Are you unable to find a solution? Then the UAF can help you advise you.  

Are you not yet integrating? Then we will first support you in learning the language. This is necessary to be able to study and work. We will support you in learning the Dutch language up to B1 level via our UAF Academy, an online learning platform (e-learning).  


When can you register for the UAF Academy? 

For the UAF Academy you must meet the following conditions: 

  • You have completed at least 11 years of education 
  • You speak English or Dutch at an average level, so that you can easily follow the e-learning courses at the UAF Academy 
  • You have applied for asylum and 
    • Your asylum procedure is still ongoing 
    • You have been granted an asylum residence permit but you do not yet have your own home 

Are you a Ukrainian refugee under the Temporary Protection Directive and do you have an O-document or sticker? You can also register for the UAF Academy. 


How can I register? 

Do you meet these conditions? And do you want to request support from the UAF? Then fill in the form below contact form. 


Have you already studied and do you want to start working right away? 

Often it is necessary that you follow a training or course to practice your profession in the Netherlands. Contact the UAF to discuss what you need. 


Contact us

Do you have a question for us? Fill in the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible. 

Note: complete the form in Dutch or English. 

Before we register you at the UAF, we will first contact you to discuss your request for help and how we can support you exactly.

Prefer to talk to someone on the phone? Please call: 030 – 252 08 35. 

The UAF is on Thursday February 20 from 10.00:13.30 to XNUMX:XNUMX not reachable by phone. You can of course send an e-mail or fill in the contact form on the website. We will respond to your message as soon as possible.

The UAF cannot be reached by telephone on Thursday, February 20 from 10:00 am to 13:30 pm You can of course send an e-mail or fill in the contact form on the website. We will respond to your message as quickly as possible.