Advice on pre-education
Preliminary training
Do you want to follow a course in the Netherlands? Then you need a pre-education. Which pre-education that is depends on the course you want to follow. The admission requirements for a program can be found on the website of the educational institution. Sometimes there are additional requirements for language or for certain subjects. Do you want to know more about the education system in the Netherlands? Then watch this video.

What is your foreign diploma or education worth in the Netherlands?
An international diploma evaluation makes it clear what your diploma is worth in the Netherlands. Do you have a residence permit and have you received the letter 'Notice of integration obligation'? Then you can request a free credential evaluation from IDW. The credential evaluation can help you find a job or further education. A credential evaluation is an advice. You cannot derive any rights from it.
Are you still in the Internationale Schakelklas (ISK)? Then you can request a free training evaluation through the school.
I know which program I want to follow, but I do not yet meet all the admission requirements
Do you want to follow an education, but you don't have enough pre-education? The UAF can maybe help you with support for study en study preparation. Our support is subject to conditions.
You do not (yet) meet the conditions of the UAF? Then read below what you can do yourself. For example, there are opportunities within secondary general adult education (vavo), at transition years and at the mbo.

Too little pre-education?
Did you not complete high school before coming to the Netherlands? Or you do not have enough prior education for further training? There are various options to continue your education. This depends on your situation. See below which situation suits you.
From International Bridging Class (ISK) to MBO levels 2, 3 and 4
Did you come to the Netherlands when you were 16 or 17? Then you were often unable to complete high school. As a young asylum seeker you will then enter an Internationale Schakelklas (ISK). In the bridging class you learn the Dutch language and integration. You are sometimes placed in an entrance course. This is equivalent to MBO level 1. For MBO level 2, 3 or 4 you usually need a diploma.
Are you placed in an entrance course, but do you still want to start with MBO 2, 3 or 4? Then you can have your level of education assessed.
Appreciate level of education
This can help you learn at your level. Is your level of education comparable to a Dutch VMBO diploma or at least 3 years of HAVO or VWO? You can then enter at MBO level 2, 3 or 4. You must read, speak and write Dutch at minimum language level B1. You must also meet the other admission requirements for the course. Are you still in the ISK? You can then request a free training evaluation through the school. The school can do this through the Collaboration Organization for Vocational Education and Business (SBB).
Were you unable to bring proof of your previous education?
Have you lost your diploma or grade lists and can you no longer retrieve them (safely)? Your school can then apply for an Education Level Indication (ION) for you.
Based on your information, the ION estimates your education level. The ROC will then decide at which level you can start.
Other possibilities
Are you not admitted to MBO level 2, 3 or 4 because your education level is too low? There are still options to achieve your goal. These also apply to people who are 18 years or older. Read more below.
There are different ways to pursue higher education. You can do this step by step with the standard training courses. For example, you can start with an entrance course and continue studying until MBO 4. You can also check if this can be done faster. For example, with a transition year or with secondary general adult education (VAVO). It is important that the level of training is feasible for you. If that is the case, you can see how you can reach this level of education. More information about VAVO and MBO transition years can be found below.
The vavo is for:
- Students from 18 years.
- Pupils aged 16 or 17 who are no longer in secondary education, but who do not yet have a basic qualification.
With the VAVO you can obtain your VMBO-TL diploma in one year. After that you can start an MBO course at level 3 or 4.
The UAF does not support the vavo. You can sometimes ask student allowance from DUO.
You will probably have to work alongside the VAVO course because the allowance is not enough to live from. On the website of the National government you can read more about the vavo.
Sometimes it is possible to have one MBO-transition year to follow. With this you prepare yourself toan intermediate vocational education op level 3 or 4. HeytUAF supports secondary vocational education-switching years of it ROC Midden Nederland in Utrecht en the Alpha College in Groningen.
Do you have a residence permit 'asylum for a limited period'? Then you have to integrate. At various ROCs in the Netherlands you can combine your integration program with vocational training.
Combined routes
Are you combining your integration program with vocational training? Then you will learn Dutch better and you will also immediately learn a trade. You will follow a language course and an MBO course at entry level (MBO level 1). You do not need a diploma for this level. So no Dutch diploma and no diploma from your country of origin. If you successfully complete the process, you have passed your integration exam. You also have an MBO diploma that allows you to work. You can also continue your education and do an MBO course at a higher level.
Admission requirements educational institutions
Conditions such as:
- You are over 16 years old.
- You do not yet have a VMBO or higher level diploma in the Netherlands or in your country of origin.
- Dutch is not your mother tongue.
- Would you like to know more about the admission requirements? Please contact the ROC that provides the training.
Content of the route
A combined program pays a lot of attention to the Dutch language. In any case, you must be able to take the integration exam at A2 level. You follow subjects such as arithmetic, citizenship and employee skills. You will also follow courses that are related to the course of your choice. During the course of the program you will often do an internship. You can put into practice everything you have learned.
Where to study?
It is not possible at every ROC to combine the civic integration program and vocational training. Inquire at it ROC near you what the possibilities are.
Do you have a residence permit 'asylum for a limited period'? Then you have to integrate. At various ROCs in the Netherlands you can combine your integration program with vocational training.
Combined routes
Are you combining your integration program with vocational training? Then you will learn Dutch better and you will also immediately learn a trade. You will follow a language course and an MBO course at entry level (MBO level 1). You do not need a diploma for this level. So no Dutch diploma and no diploma from your country of origin. If you successfully complete the process, you have passed your integration exam. You also have an MBO diploma that allows you to work. You can also continue your education and do an MBO course at a higher level.
Admission requirements educational institutions
Conditions such as:
- You are over 16 years old.
- You do not yet have a VMBO or higher level diploma in the Netherlands or in your country of origin.
- Dutch is not your mother tongue.
Would you like to know more about the admission requirements? Please contact the ROC that provides the training.
Content of the route
A combined program pays a lot of attention to the Dutch language. You must in any case be able to take the integration exam at A2 level. You follow courses such as math, citizenship and employee skills. You also follow courses that are part of the program of your choice. You will often do an internship during the course of the programme. You can practice everything you have learned.
Where to study?
It is not possible at every ROC to combine the integration program and vocational training. Inquire at the ROC in your area about the options.
Do you not have enough prior education? There are various options to study at higher professional education or university. For example, transition years for higher professional education and university education. You can also choose to obtain your HAVO or VWO diploma through secondary general adult education (VAVO). Below you can read more about the possibilities.
Did you (almost) complete high school before you came to the Netherlands? Then it is wise to see if you can take a transition year for HBO or WO. This is often a one-year process.
At transition year (schakeljaar) you can read more information about what it is and whether the UAF can do something for you.
The VAVO is for:
- Students from 18 years.
- Students aged 16 or 17 who are no longer in secondary education, but who do not yet have a starting qualification.
With the VAVO you can obtain your HAVO diploma in two years. Then you can go to higher professional education. Or you can also obtain your pre-university education diploma. This also takes two years. With your pre-university education diploma you can go to university. HBO and WO courses often have additional admission requirements. So find this out carefully.
The UAF does not support the vavo. You can sometimes ask student allowance from DUO.
You will probably have to work in addition to your VAVO education because the allowance is not enough to live on.
Different admission requirements apply for each level for VAVO. Check the website of the ROC or vavo-lyceum in your area to see what the requirements are. So also check the deadlines for registration.
On the website of the national government Read more about the VAVO.
Can the UAF help me?
Whether the UAF can help you depends on your personal situation.
In any case, you must meet the following conditions:
- You have an asylum background*
- You want to study at MBO level 3 or 4, HBO or university
- You have completed at least 11 years of education
- You speak English or Dutch at an intermediate level (B1 or higher)
* You have a Dutch residence permit based on asylum or you have applied for asylum and this procedure is still ongoing.
Do you meet these requirements? Then contact us. When asking what the UAF can do for you, your level of Dutch is important.
To be able to study and work in the Netherlands, you need at least language level B1.
Do you not yet have a B1 Dutch language level?
If you integrate via the Education Route or the B1 route, you will receive Dutch language lessons via your municipality. Discuss the possibilities with your municipality. Are you unable to find a solution? Then the UAF can help you advise you.
Are you not yet integrating? Then we will first support you in learning the language. This is necessary to be able to study and work. We will support you in learning the Dutch language up to B1 level via our UAF Academy, an online learning platform (e-learning).
When can you register for the UAF Academy?
For the UAF Academy you must meet the following conditions:
- You have completed at least 11 years of education
- You speak English or Dutch at an average level, so that you can easily follow the e-learning courses at the UAF Academy
- You have applied for asylum and
- Your asylum procedure is still ongoing
- Your asylum procedure is still ongoing
- You have been granted an asylum residence permit but you do not yet have your own home
Are you a Ukrainian refugee under the Temporary Protection Directive and do you have an O-document or sticker? You can also register for the UAF Academy.
How can I register?
Do you meet these conditions? And do you want to request support from the UAF? Then fill in the form below contact form. .
Have you already studied and do you want to start working right away?
Often it is necessary that you follow a training or course to practice your profession in the Netherlands. Contact the UAF to discuss what you need.
Contact us
Do you have a question for us? Fill in the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Note: complete the form in Dutch or English.
Before we register you at the UAF, we will first contact you to discuss your request for help and how we can support you exactly.
The UAF is on Thursday February 20 from 10.00:13.30 to XNUMX:XNUMX not reachable by phone. You can of course send an e-mail or fill in the contact form on the website. We will respond to your message as soon as possible.
The UAF cannot be reached by telephone on Thursday, February 20 from 10:00 am to 13:30 pm You can of course send an e-mail or fill in the contact form on the website. We will respond to your message as quickly as possible.