The report was released this week 'Starting with policy' of the Social and Cultural Planning Office. This is part of a long-term study into the position and living situation of Syrian refugees who came to the Netherlands in 2014-2015.
The report confirms what the UAF has been experiencing for years in practice: that policy has a major influence on the opportunities you get as a newcomer. For example, if you are placed in a municipality where educational or work opportunities are limited. Then try to acquire a social position that suits your talents. The researchers say:
'Policy in the field of education and status holders is fragmented. For example, some educational institutions offer an orientation year for status holders, in which language and education are combined, but this is not a general policy. Municipalities differ in their policies regarding studying with benefits.'
That is precisely the reason why the UAF has been arguing for years for structural funding of language transition years by the government, so that the flow to MBO, HBO and WO programs improves. And why we make cooperation agreements with municipalities about studying while retaining benefits, in order to increase the chances of the over-28s of a sustainable start on the labor market.
We will continue to do so for as long as necessary; we are not waiting for the new integration system to come into effect. The report states the following about the new system:
'It is favorable that a separate education route has been distinguished in the new integration policy to facilitate access to the Dutch education system.'
In recent years, the UAF has invested a lot of time and energy in helping to shape the new Civic Integration Act. Not going to work as quickly as possible, but a sustainable way to work, that was and is our starting point.
For example, we have made a strong case for an education route and that will also be implemented. However, we and the education umbrella organizations have concerns about the financing of this education route.
New policy: opportunities and concerns
Whether the new integration policy from 2022 will solve the current problems remains to be seen. The researchers say:
'The effectiveness of the new law must prove itself in practice. The integration of newcomers is a complex task that will entail the necessary implementation problems.'
The UAF also actively participates in the implementation of the Civic Integration Act. Whether the new policy will be effective depends largely on the quality of its implementation.
At the end of March, together with educational umbrella organisations, we brought a number of bottlenecks to the attention of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. See: Advice on the implementation of the education route in the new integration law.
Together with municipalities, which will play an important role in the new system, the UAF wants to create optimal opportunities for status holders for a sustainable start on the labor market. In anticipation of this, we developed, among other things, a Guide for a successful implementation of the new Civic Integration Act. (See also: information for Municipalities). This is crucial to avoid losing human capital.
Influence of the corona crisis
The SCP report says about the consequences of the corona crisis:
'An increased outflow from work to social assistance is real and the chances of finding a new job are expected to decrease sharply.'
For this, the researchers provide this explanation:
'Status holders mainly work in cyclical sectors such as the hospitality industry, the temporary employment sector and cleaning.'
What is left out of consideration here are the many examples of Syrian refugees who – with the support of the UAF – are now using their knowledge and qualities in shortage occupations. Think of healthcare, technology, the financial sector or education. Became curious? Then take a look Stories.